Our Breeds at Maesnewydd
Here at Maesnewydd we have selected specific breeds that support our goals of self sufficiency and land management.

We are currently building our herd of Anglo-Nubian goats for milk and meat production. They are also a big part of our land management, eating many things our sheep and poultry will not.

We are currently building on our pedigree flock of coloured Ryeland sheep. A hardy breed that can easily cope with the Welsh weather, these sheep are kept for meat and wool.

Although we have many breeds of poultry here at Maesnewydd, we currently breed Ayam Cemani and Isabella Brahma for re-sale, Contact us for more information.
We also keep a mix flock of cream legbar, maran, leghorn and commercial ex battery hens. We occasionally breed some crosses for diversity and egg production.

We actually started bee keeping before moving to Maesnewydd but now have a much larger apiary site and we are in the process of increasing our number of colonies.
Our bees are not just great pollinators, they provide us with delicious honey too! Visit our shop to purchase some!