"Ambition is critical" - David Hughes
It started with a dream.... But with goals, broken down into a plan and backed with action we are moving closer and closer to our dream.
Lets break down what we are working towards:
Self sufficiency - One of the most difficult things to achieve and one of our biggest goals. The task of being self-sufficient does not happen over night, but step by step we are reducing our carbon foot print, producing more on our holding and relying on less outside dependencies. While we are not there yet, we always try to support local businesses where we can and purchase only green electricity. We offset our carbon footprint by planting up our woodland and have now allocated an extra acre for a new coppice.
Environmental improvements - Throughout our whole journey its critical that at each stage we are adding environmental value around us, these include planting trees, improving grassland and supporting wildlife.
Shared experiences - A big part of our dream was to share our experience so others can learn from our successes and failures and hopefully improve their own journey. This is also an experiment for many to view and see how we can improve and maintain our world in a more self sufficient manner.